
Tuesday 20 August 2013

What (not) to eat when you are sick

Diet for Invalids

During and after illness the digestive powers are weak and great care should be taken in the judicious selection and preparation of the food. As a rule it is advisable to supply the food frequently and in small quantities. In fevers, liquid foods should be given, the most valuable being milk, beaten-up eggs, soups, and beef tea. Cooling drinks are also necessary, such as lemon water, soda water etc.. For diarrhoea, milk, and well-cooked rice or corn-flour are the best. For constipation, oatmeal porridge, fruits, vegetables and brown bread are useful. In rheumatism, avoid beer and animal foods. In cases of dyspepsia or indigestion, vegetables are not as a rule well taken, and salty and greasy foods should be avoided.

Comment: I've often found that people with indigestion or dyspepsia drink vegetable soups to recover from it.. I would not say it's completely wrong, but it does make sense that the high fibre content of vegetables will make it harder to digest food. The most intriguing food to me is 'beef-tea' - i'd never heard of it.  It's made as follows: beef should be cut up into small pieces and put into a jar. A little salt is added, and cold water in the proportion of one pint to one pound of beef. The jar is covered with a lid and allowed to stand for two hours. It is the surrounded with boiling water by placing it in a pan for one or two hours... The nutritive properties are greatly increased by adding oatmeal or cream.....  I can't imagine how that could taste!!!

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